Air Rifle and pistol shooting experiences in Sussex

In General, Shooting, Uncategorised by Garry Janes4 Comments

As we begin 2015 we’ve updated our shooting page to show you some of the awesome guns on offer for you to experience. Check out our shooting page to view the pictures. In the next few days we’ll be adding a full low down on the history and description of each the guns. Only £65 for 2 hours of tuition, including targets, …

Heated shooting range

In Shooting, Uncategorised by Garry JanesLeave a Comment

Our heated shooting range is now ready for all year round shooting in comfort. I’m pleased to announce the completion of the heated shooting range. We’ve enclosed the back and sides and installed a giant patin heater which will ensure you keep warm throughout the winter whilst you’re shooting.

Great days

In Archery, Shooting, Uncategorised by Garry JanesLeave a Comment

I’m please dot report that, despite the dodgy weather, we’ve had some great days of archery and shooting. The camp fire goes down well with clients being able to warm themselves if they get cold, and being in the outdoors it makes their experience more fun. Hunger games days for the half term and Easter holidays are getting booked up …