First Aid Course Course
We offer an outstanding, second-to-none first aid course
Our first aid course is tailored towards outdoor injuries and shooting/archery and sports-related injuries.
What does the course cover?
- First aid
- Bleeding (venous/arterial) and clotting cascade
- Control bleeding / pressure direct-indirect
- Pulses- site / strength
- Hypervolemia shock and compensatory markers
- Fractures and management
- Ischaemic limbs (6hrs) (pulses (paedal)
- Blood pressure
- The heart
- Types of bleeding wound
- Penetrating trauma MSK & (haemo/pneumothorax) and management
- Burns types and management
- Burns (stop, drop & roll - fire triangle)
- Dressings & slings
- Israeli’s & CAT
- GSW types (rifling projectile mechanism/ricochet) entry/exit
- CPR (DRABC) (DRcABC) traumatic arrest
- Ambulance HOT algorythm (quick info)
- Unconscious casualty management
- Calling 999
- Writing changeover cards
- Using the W3W app
- Complimentary tea and coffee

Tailored courses for business
If you’re a company and would like us to tailor a course to suit you, it’s not a problem. Contact us to find out more.
Discounts for staff training
We can offer some discounts for staff training. Please email to get in touch to enquire about this.
Book your course
We hold regular first aid courses, so book yourself onto a course now!